Amino-Value | Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  • amino_01.jpg

Tag: Retail, Food

We conducted a Web marketing that aimed to facilitate relationships of 'Runners', through the 'Amino Value'

Upon renewal of Amino-Value Web site of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. .

we participated the project from the planning and design phase, and also  carried out Web site creation.

Iconic use scene of amino value is when 'Running'.
We design an interface that a variety of contents such like lectures on running, basic knowledge of BCAA (branched-chain amino acids), and good nutrition for runners will be displayed with switching.

Contents often end up to be buried on the Web site of the hierarchical structure.
Therefore, we devised the UI to let users touch the variety of content with enjoying. This designed UI made the Website has more brand loyalty.

In order to respond flexibly to the diversification of the device to access the Web site, such as a PC or a smart phone. We used responsive Web design  that always has been optimized for the screen size of each device.

※ We are the first winner of  Web sollution and design prize(Product/Campaign category Excellence) offered by Web site department of Japan Web solutions Design Association.

Consulting Service

Web Marketing

We will formulate KPI and manage PDCA to make your marketing management cycle consecutive.

Create Web Service

We can help you to make new web service and system which will raise high profit as much as possible.


We will design and develop any kind of Web system and Apps. Then will maximize UX based on your concept.