
Tag: Retail

Web renewal to convey firmly the story of the product

Analysis of issue

Upon participation in the Web site renreal project of Rush Japan,
We conducted careful interviews and site analysis and a survey of their real store. And we had set the following three points as an issue of website renewal.

1) Issues related to presentation of commodity on the Web
2) issues related to the design of the Web site
3) Issues on communication with customers

CRH's approarch

With respect to these issues, CRH employed following approach and resolve the issues along with the rush Japan.
- Convey the charm and formality for the products
- Web site design that leads to the purchase smoothly
- Incorporation into the Web site of social media, organic integration


In addition to this, in order to hammer out more "entertainment" from the Lush's product strongly, We promote with usingspecial content, such as a floating banner of the new products.

As a result, PV has been increased to about five times compared with before.




Consulting Service

Web Marketing

We will formulate KPI and manage PDCA to make your marketing management cycle consecutive.

Create Web Service

We can help you to make new web service and system which will raise high profit as much as possible.


We will design and develop any kind of Web system and Apps. Then will maximize UX based on your concept.