Tsukiji Gindako / HotLand Co.,Ltd.

  • gindako.jpg

Tag: Food

Point card app that get to use every day!

■The background of the project

  • We need to migrate existing point card (physical card) to the application system. Because the client wanted to promote the visit of smartphone users.

■Approach of CRH

  • In terms of Gindako point APP, in addition to the usual point, we propose to add a login bonus to users.
  • Even without going to the actual store, users will be able to accumulate points with only logging into the app.
  • The accumulated points are available to exchange with discount privilege on the application, and can use at the shop of "Tsukiji Gindako" aslo.
  • When you take a picture of Takoyaki at the shop and upload it , the point is to quickly complete.


  • Let users to enjoy the App everyday, so that contact of customers and Gindako brand was increased.
  • As O2O measures to enhance brand loyalty, The App were deployed at  about 400 Gindako stores.

Consulting Service

Web Marketing

We will formulate KPI and manage PDCA to make your marketing management cycle consecutive.

Create Web Service

We can help you to make new web service and system which will raise high profit as much as possible.


We will design and develop any kind of Web system and Apps. Then will maximize UX based on your concept.